Frequently Ask Questions

What is the Shelf life of our Sunshine Pastries?

Normal Shelf life 6 to 8 weeks.

The normal shelf life for dry biscuit with main ingredient of flour and butter with dry content such as our Sunshine Pastries with no raw egg ingredient can have a shelf life for several week to a few months when store properly (under cool normal temperature, not directly expose to heat & sunlight) Best to be refrigerated.

We have indicate the best before consumed date on our back of our pastry to be 6 weeks for customer to enjoy the optimal freshness and flavor.

Is Sun Baker's Halal Certified?
No, our kitchen is NOT HALAL certified. However, all the ingredients used in our Suncake and Taiyangping pastry are from Halal-certified suppliers and have Halal certificates.

Is there any delivery charges for online order?
Yes, we have a S$10 local delivery fees for order less than S$50.